I just finished and posted another informative/explanatory writing unit. I'm working on taking some of our Social Studies standards and integrating them with writing. Take a look!
What's Included:
Wright Brothers – An Integrated Unit for
Social Studies and Writing
Informative / Explanatory Writing
Common Core - 1.W.2
Write informative/explanatory texts in which
they name a topic,
supply some facts about the topic, and
provide some sense of closure.
Map, Topic-Facts-Closure Page, and Handwriting Pages
Social Studies:
Economics Literacy
Common Core Standard 2 - The student will
the characteristics of the American economic
3. Summarize how historic inventors and
entrepreneurs contributed to the prosperity of the nation including Samuel F.B.
Morse, John Deere, Alexander Graham Bell, Orville and Wilbur Wright, and Thomas
some centers extras!~
and Write the Room Cards and recording sheet
– “Counting On” and “One More – One Less”
Have a great rest of the week!