Thursday, May 23, 2013

I Donated - How About You?

Oh my goodness!  It seems like it's been weeks since my last post.  I have been CRAZY busy lately!  Today was our last day of school!  YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!  We have a 1/2 day work day but then I will officially be done .  
I am looking forward to a summer of no homework! 

I am so saddened by the tragedy that occurred in Moore this week.  I live and teach in Oklahoma and I have family all around the Moore area.  My family was very fortunate but others were not.  We were in the OKC area Tuesday night for my cousins graduation and we drove back through Moore around 10:30 pm.  Even in the dark and driving as fast as we were on the Interstate we saw enough!  The damage was devastating.  It definitely made you sick at your stomach to see.   My family has already done several things to help other families that we know but I also had another opportunity to help.  There are over 300 teachers that donated items for a HUGE bundle of goodies (there are a little over 500 products).  If you are wanting to help and just don't know how, please check out this amazing opportunity:

I Donated - How About You?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Our First Grade Writing Research Open House and a winner!

We had our First Grade Writing Research Open House for all our parents.  We had an AMAZING turnout!  Including students and parents we had about 275 come through!  We were blown away!  Everyone had such nice comments and they parents seemed to truly enjoy the hard work our firsties did!  I could not be more proud of my students, how well the whole process went and of our parents for their support!  It was an amazing experience and we will DEFINITELY so this again next year!  Here are a few pictures from the "Woodlands" - our classroom!

It was such a FABULOUS night!

The winner of my All About the Number... Pack is:

Michelle Jaquillard - Check your email Michelle! :)

Thanks for all who commented!  I loved hearing your sweet words!

If you missed the little giveaway please check out my new unit - It is a lot of fun!

Have a great rest of the week!

Monday, May 13, 2013

All About the Number... Grad School - check! ... (and maybe a little giveaway)

Just finished my newest unit!

Made with first grade standards in mind but could easily be modified for Kindergarten and Second Grade.

Eleven cute, whimsical pages full of number fun!
One Less - One More
Ten Less - Ten More
Counting On
Place Value
Nearest 10
Tally Marks
Number Combinations

Math - Common Core Standards

Operations and Algebraic Thinking (1.OA)
                *Represent and solve problems involving
          addition and subtraction.
                *Add and Subtract within 20.
                *Work with addition and subtraction equations.

Number and Operations in Base Ten (1.NBT)
                *Extend the counting sequence.
                *Understand Place Value.
                *Use place value understanding and properties of
           operations to add and subtract.

A few sample pages:

I would love for you to check it out! Click on the pic below to go to my store.  Be sure to follow me when your there!  You won't be disappointed!

I would LOVE to give one of these units away!  My only stipulation is being a follower of my blog and TpT store.  Please leave me a comment below letting me know you follow both and I will choose a winner on Wednesday night!  (Don't forget to leave your email!)

Oh - and one more thing!

I'm D.O.N.E!  I graduated Saturday with my Masters in Elementary Education!  

This is one happy Momma!

 Have a great week!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Research Projects - check!

Oh my goodness!  Does anyone else feel like they are running 90 miles an hour while juggling 25 balls?  We have been SUPER busy finishing our research projects on our Woodland Animals.  It took us a whole month!

I just finished binding all of their reports, some of which were about 20 pages long!  They have worked ExTrEmElY hard and I am so proud of them!  

We have 6 teachers on my first grade team and we can hardly wait until our Writing Open House on Tuesday night for our parents to see all of their hard work.  Each one of us have decorated our rooms to match the kinds of animals we are researching.  I borrowed all of the fake ficus trees at my church and have turned my classroom into a forest.  The other 5 teachers have a rain forest, farm, arctic polar cap, savanna  and ocean.  Our parents are going to tour all 6 classrooms to see their research projects.  They will also be displaying an art project that they created at home with their parents.  I promise to post pictures of our Awesome night!

If you would like to see what we used for our research projects please check out my Woodland Animals and Safari Animals Shared Research and Writing Project Units.  

There are sooooo many common core standards met by this project that it's a MUST have! :)

(I was only able to create these two in time for this year but I plan on creating more this summer.  )

I am so excited about graduation Saturday!  I am graduating with my Masters in Elementary Education!  Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!  NO MORE WRITING PAPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Sale!

It's Teacher appreciation week!  I'm having a sale!

TPT Teacher Appreciation Sale!  Mat 7-8, 2013  Up to 28% off with code TAD13
(This adorable button was courtesy of the Fabulous Ashley Hughes!)

Check out my store!

Here is a gift I received today for Teacher Appreciation from one of my sweet firsties.  
I LOVE it!  Every girlie needs a little bling in her life - right?

Have a great Teacher Appreciation week!

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