It has been sooooo busy in our classroom the last few weeks. I absolutely love Spring and all the fun things we learn about. We "planted" our seeds and put them in the window so we could watch the roots and stems grow.
A little photo-bombing from our student teacher - LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!
After they sprouted we took them down and wrote about them in their journals.
Then we got to plant them in soil!
We also studied the life cycle of a butterfly. These pics are a little blurry because I was taking them through the net.
I was so excited about this picture because you can see the proboscis as it's sucking from the orange.
We really enjoyed them but had to let them go. One was pretty stubborn and I had to do a little coaxing but it finally flew away.
If we weren't already busy enough, we just started our Woodland Animal Research and Writing Project! More to come on that later!

Have a great rest of the weekend!