Sunday, May 10, 2015

3rd Annual Writer's Showcase!

Ok - so I fully intended on blogging about our Research and Writing Projects along the way these last 4 weeks.  We have been so crazy busy that I couldn't even hardly check my emails, much less keep up with this lil' ole blog.  
We just had our 3rd Annual - First Grade Writer's Showcase.  It was a huge success and we had such a fun time getting to see our students and their parents.

I've created 5 different animal research and writing project units.  We have 6 first grade teachers and each teacher researches a different animal group.  We have Woodland, Rain forest, Safari, Ocean, Polar and Farm units.  (you can click into each animal set to take a closer look)  Each teacher spends about 4 weeks on these projects.  We ask our students and parents to create an art project at home to go along with them.  

Here are some pics right before we let parents in the door. :)

We totally transformed our classroom into a forest!  We spent 4 weeks reading, studying and researching our woodland animals.  I get very excited every year when we get these started.  My firsties do an amazing job every year.  I'm always blown away by how much they truly do enjoy all the hard work they put forth.  Their books end up being about 15-20 pages long!

Here are some pics of our research along the way:

Woodland Animals Shared Research and Writing Project     Rainforest Animals Shared Research and Writing Project
Safari Animals Shared Research and Writing Project     Ocean Animals Shared Research and Writing Project
Polar Animals Shared Research and Writing Project

If you're looking for any research ideas feel free to click on any of the projects above to get a closer look.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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