Saturday, October 27, 2012

50th Day of School Celebration!

We celebrated the 50th day of school yesterday.  Oh my word!  Can you believe we've been in school that long?  It's almost Thanksgiving.  I guess time flies when you're learning to read!  Anywho - Here are a few pics of the fun we had yesterday.
Here is our 1st grade team.  I absolutely LOVE these girls and wouldn't trade them for the world!  They work EXTREMELY hard for their firsties each and every day. 
We did a bubble gum activity in the afternoon.  We each got a piece of bubble gum and practiced blowing bubbles.  We graphed who could blow a bubble and who couldn't.  I was actually surprised how many students could not do it.  We had a blast watching those that could.  It took a few of them all they had to muster up those tiny bubbles.  We then did a writing activity on "How to Blow a Bubble".  They had to write 3 steps: what they do first, next and last.  These were very funny!  The most common words I had to help with spelling were "chew", "stick" and "tongue".

Before all the "madness" of the activities started we had our buddy reading time before our weekly selection test of our story for the week.  They really like their buddy reading time and actually do a great job staying on task.  We made an anchor chart earlier on in the year about all the things to discuss with their partners after they read and they look back at that chart every single time and talk about those different things.  I LOVE it!

I love, love, love watching them read and get excited about the stories - best part of my job!

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