We Are Scientists!
We have been studying about the 5 senses.

We read several books about our 5 senses and then we put on our scientist goggles because they help us observe! (Who doesn't love wearing goggles?)
After talking about our sense of sight, we went on a nature walk. I gave the children a page with alphabet boxes. They were supposed to write all the things they saw on our walk. If they observed grass, then they wrote it in the Gg box.
Really!?!? How cute are these scientists?
We used these super cute charts that hang in our science center.
(click on the image to get it on TpT)
I also bought these amazing posters. They are only $1.00 and I bought one for each subject in my room! Check them out!
This was such a fun activity and I can't wait until we do more Science activities!
Before I go, I need to let you know about my 200 follower giveaway winners!
The Winners Choice winner was Margo N.
The Store Favorites Winner was Cherie M.
Be looking for emails from all those fabulous people who donated to my giveaway!
Have a wonderful holiday weekend!